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Stress is the leading factor of 5 out of 6 people in the leading cause of death! -- heart disease, cancer, stroke, lower respiratory disease, and accidents. An estimated 75 percent to 90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress-related issues. This is a remarkable fact and is also the reason that we need to help our day to day stress as much as possible!
According to the Center for Disease Control/National Institute on Occupational Safety & Health, the workplace is the number one cause of life stress. The American Institute of Stress reports 120,000 people die every year as a direct result of work-related stress.
Stress is actually a normal reaction and is a needed reaction in the case of being in trouble or in a threatening situation. When you feel stressed or threatened your body releases a bunch of stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol (This creates a fight or flight response). This puts your body into an emergency response. Your heart pounds harder, your muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens and your senses become sharper. These are all good things in a normal flight or fight/threatening situation.
The BIG time problems come when you are constantly stressed and your body is always in a fight or flight mode and constantly releasing adrenaline and cortisol. Chronic stress will put pressure on your blood vessels, heart, and increase blood pressure which may lead to a heart attack or a stroke in the long run.
Constant stress symptoms include fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, nervousness, loss of sexual desire, feeling hopeless, anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, digestive problems, heart problems, respiratory infections, a weakened immune system, and much much more!
When Cortisol is released from the stress response it directly affects the immune system!
Our immune system is constantly being exposed to bacteria, fungus, viruses, and more, and is the only system we have to fight it all! When we are constantly in a fight or flight mode or always stressing our body wastes a ton of energy because it thinks we might die in the current moment. All that energy is now gone and makes our bodies more vulnerable.
When we are stressed day in and day out, Cortisol is constantly being created and released into the bloodstream and although in the short term it may boost your immune system by limiting inflammation, in the longer-term elevated cortisol creates, Chronic inflammation, wreaking havoc on the immune system which can lead to an immune system that is overworked, tired and can NOT protect you. An unchecked immune system responding to unabated inflammation can lead to myriad problems: increased susceptibility to colds and other illnesses.
1.) Physical exercise
2.) Yoga and breathing exercises
3.) Laughing mood-enhancing
4.) Take a stress relief supplements
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†Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Product results may vary from person to person.