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Both men and women have the sex hormone testosterone in their bodies, and as we age, levels can decline or lower, which leads to health and wellness problems. Men experience declining testosterone levels more than women because they have more testosterone, to begin with. Symptoms of low testosterone can range from lowered energy levels, lower sex drive, mood issues like depression and anxiety, and higher body fat which can cause weight gain or obesity. One of the symptoms of low testosterone is also hair loss, which can be stressful for men who want to keep a full head. If a man feels that their hair is thinning faster than it should for their age, it could be a sign of low testosterone levels. (1)
As we age we begin to experience hair loss also sometimes referred to as alopecia. While some people begin to experience hair loss as early as their late teens or early 20s others don’t begin to lose their hair until they are well into their middle age meaning their 50s or 60s. Hair loss and balding vary greatly from person to person but men experience it more often than women, and older people experience it more than the young. (2)
If someone’s hair is thinning it could be due to their family genetics, their age, or a hormonal imbalance like low levels of testosterone. Because men tend to lose their hair far more often than women, it led to the conclusion that lowering testosterone levels were connected to hair loss. When a man is experiencing low testosterone levels it can affect the hair on their entire body, from their legs to their chest, arms, and face, not just the hair on their head. (3)(4)
Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is a hormone that stems from testosterone, and it can help and hurt hair growth and loss depending on how present it is in the body. If DHT is at too high of a level in one's bloodstream it can lead to hair loss, but at the right amount, it helps with hair growth, so it’s all about finding the right balance. If a male has unchecked high levels of DHT in their body, they are likely to experience premature male pattern baldness and or thinning hair. (5)
Treatments For Low Testosterone, Unbalanced DHT, And Thinning Hair
Before a man seeks treatment for low testosterone, they should be checked by a medical professional to see if their hormone balance is off. If it is, there are testosterone replacement treatments that can help, ranging from creams and patches to pills and pellets. Most effective is a DHT blocker, which can balance this hormone in the body. Biotin and rogaine help to level out testosterone, which helps balance DHT. DHT blockers don’t work overnight, and men often wait between three to seven months to see results. If a male is experiencing hair loss but doesn’t have a hormone imbalance, there are treatments that don’t have anything to do with testosterone or DHT, such as laser treatments, and surgical hair follicle transplants. (6)(7)
Hair loss happens to everyone as they age, but premature balding or hair loss is more likely due to low testosterone levels.
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