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If you walk into a store, you will come across numerous herbs, vitamins and other supplements hyped as energy boosters. But if you dig deeper, you find that there is little to no evidence that these energy boosters actually work. Luckily, there is a way you can increase your own energy naturally. Here are 7 ways to achieve this.
One way, and probably the easiest one, to boost your energy is to get better sleep 1, 2, 3. If you are not getting at least seven hours of sleep every night, you could be paying for it the following day in terms of your overall energy levels.
Unfortunately, most people don't practice good sleep routines, which could interrupt their sleep quality even more.
Not getting sufficient sleep can significantly drain energy levels, therefore leaving you feeling grumpy, lethargic, and tired 4.
But the amount of sleep each one of us needs varies slightly, though sleep experts recommend aiming to clock at least 7 hours every night 5.
Stress is common, particularly if you have a busy life. But if not managed, stress can have some serious negative effects as well as cause fatigue and tiredness 6, 7.
Stress can be caused by a number of factors, including daily responsibilities at home, work, or school 8.
Moving around or exercising regularly is essential for reducing the risk of illnesses. What is more, studies suggest that incorporating physical activity into your daily routine could help fight fatigue and boost your energy 9, 10.
You don't need to enroll in a gym or subscribe to an intense workout program. To add physical activity to your daily routine, try taking a short walk after sitting for hours at your desk, walking to work rather than driving or taking the stairs.
Snooking has no health benefits. Tar and toxins from the smoke curb the efficiency of the lungs, which reduces the amount of oxygen carried throughout the body, thus causing tiredness 11.
Quitting cigarettes is associated with several health benefits, such as increased energy levels 12. You may find it useful to swap cigarettes for nicotine replacements such as lozenges, gum, or patches 13. This could help reduce cravings and prevent the urge to smoke.
Alcohol consumption can have a sedative impact and can make you feel relaxed and drowsy 14. Moreover, drinking alcohol or alcoholic beverages can reduce sleep quality significantly 15, 16. Also having a drink right before bed could interrupt your sleep with the urge to go to the bathroom in the middle of sleep 17.
Sometimes you may think you are experiencing fatigue when in reality you are not working effectively 18. To turn things around, learn how to perform deep work blocks, and you may see your energy levels skyrocket.
Studies have shown that eating foods whose carbs are absorbed slowly can help you avoid low energy levels that occur after consuming rapidly absorbed sugars or highly refined starches 19. This includes fruits such as apples, pears, and oranges, vegetables such as carrots, and grains such as oats and brown rice.
If you want to naturally boost your energy levels, try following these 7 tips: get enough sleep, reduce stress levels, exercise regularly, quit smoking if necessary, reduce alcohol consumption and work effectively. Additionally, make sure to include foods that release energy slowly in your diet. All of these may help you stay energized throughout the day.
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†Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Product results may vary from person to person.