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Liver detox is a therapy that involves cleaning the liver by removing toxins and impurities left in it. 1
When the liver is overloaded, it may not be able to function properly, which may lead to various health issues such as fatty liver disease, cirrhosis, and other forms of liver disorders. 2
The liver is the organ that performs the most important functions in our body. It is the major blood filter of the body, removing toxins and waste products from the blood and regulating blood clotting. 3 It also stores vitamins and minerals for future use, produces immune system components, converts toxins to less harmful substances, 4 and plays a large role in regulating blood sugar levels. 5
The liver's main function is to break down harmful substances in our body, including alcohol and drugs. 6 This organ is also responsible for producing red and white blood cells.7
Detoxing the liver is important as it may help clean the liver to support our immune system and make way for a healthier body. 8 In this blog post, we will be discussing 4 benefits of liver detox.
Bile production is essential for digestion and metabolism. 9 When the liver is cleansed, it can produce more bile, which helps in digestion and metabolism. Consequently, liver cleansing may help with weight loss because it helps in breaking down fat and food particles into easier-to-digest parts. 10
High blood pressure is commonly linked with obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol. 12 Detoxing the liver may help with high blood pressure 13 because it helps the cardiovascular system function properly by increasing blood flow, reducing blood pressure, and slowing down liver damage. This can be achieved through exercising. 14
Foods such as chemically processed foods, fried foods, excess carbohydrates, and alcohol are toxic to our cells. 15 16
The liver filters out these toxins when they come through, 17, but if the liver works too hard or there are too many toxins to handle, the liver becomes sluggish and cannot filter as well as it should. This process is referred to as Toxic hepatitis, where the liver is exposed to toxic materials and develops inflammation 18
When you reset your body with a liver cleanse, you may feel more energetic and healthier in a couple of weeks. 19 Toxins that have been building up in your system may be flushed out, and your liver may operate at full capacity again. 20
Toxins are harmful chemicals to our body, especially the liver, which act as a filter to help us remove some of them. 21 Toxins can accumulate over time and lead to health problems. One of them is Hepatic Encephalopathy, a condition where the liver can no longer filter toxins out of the blood properly and may be fatal. 22
Therefore, a liver cleanse may be an effective way to detoxify the body and help you feel better overall. 23 This is because the liver may be able to process all the toxins that have already built up in the system, leaving you feeling an increase in energy. 24
The liver is our largest internal organ and performs hundreds of essential functions, everything from storing energy to filtering toxins out of our blood and regulating digestion through bile production 25
An unhealthy liver can lead to severe health issues and maybe even death. 26 Therefore, it is important to have a healthy liver. Thus liver cleanses may be beneficial in maintaining a healthy body.
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†Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Product results may vary from person to person.