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The cause of blood sugar increase is sometimes clear, like when you consume too much sugary foods or drinks. But other times, it's not as simple.
An article published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that skipping breakfast, losing sleep, drinking coffee, and not drinking sufficient water may cause fluctuation in blood sugar levels 1. Sometimes even something as trivial as sunburn may also cause blood sugar spikes. The pain of sunburn causes depression and stress, which in turn cause an increase in blood sugar levels 2, 3, 4. Other popular causes are consuming high-carb or high-sugar foods, changing medication, and drinking too much alcohol. A low-fiber diet and highly processed sugars or carbs can also trigger blood sugar spikes 5. Now, let’s look at a few things you can do to keep your blood sugar balanced.
For centuries now, stress has been found to increase cortisol levels – one of the main stress hormones in the body and one which can boost insulin and blood sugar levels. Moreover, cortisol is also known to increase the production of leptin 6– a hormone that controls appetite. However, the production of leptin can reduce satiety, thus making you want to eat more. In other words, if you are stressed, your body also releases adrenaline hormones, which could boost your energy level for a fight-or-flight response. However, these hormones can inhibit the proper functioning of insulin in a process called insulin resistance 6. If you are consistently stressed, your sugar levels will continue to increase and over time it can put you at risk for conditions such as headaches, chronic anxiety, sleep problems, and depression 7. So be sure to take proper care of yourself when you are stressed. Remember, that stress can lead you to eat comfort foods such as fast food and chocolates, which can also be detrimental to your health.
While some people see drinking water as not important nutritional advice, being hydrated is helpful when it comes to balancing blood sugar 8. A study found that not drinking enough water may lead to high blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels spike, your body will react by trying to flush out the extra sweetness. This can be seen through constant peeing more than normal. So if you don’t replace the fluids lost, you will have a hard time getting the sugar out of your body. So dehydration can mean high blood sugar in your system. Although there is no standard amount of water to drink daily due to various weather conditions and individual needs, everyone should try to drink up to 1.2 liters a day or six to eight glasses of water daily 9, 10, 11, 12.
Alternatively, you can try taking supplements to help balance blood sugar levels. Taking supplements made with high-researched ingredients like cinnamon or turmeric may help boost insulin sensitivity in your body 14. But as always, it is advised to use a product with care, and if any questions please ask your doctor before starting or using any herbal supplements.
There are many things that can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate. However, there are also a few things you can do to keep your blood sugar levels balanced. Try to manage stress, drink more water, and use supplements to help support blood sugar levels in your body. Doing these things can help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels and live a healthier life.
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